“Gotta work harder”
I have a confession to make. Throughout the first few weeks of my pregnancy I had FOMOR – Fear Of Missing Out on Running, which I’ve blogged about before. I saw someone out running or posting about a race on social media and I wished I could still do that.
Oh, I love my son and loved all the time I had with him in those early weeks, but in a small way I longed for those carefree days when I could go running basically anytime I wanted.

Waking up before sunrise so I can have more time with him – worth it
Needless to say, I was thrilled to get the okay from my doc to start running after my 6-week postpartum checkup. But running didn’t come back so easily.
Sure, I was tired from caring for an infant. Of course, I was out of shape. Yes, I was trying to keep up with housework, laundry, and everything else. But it wasn’t really any of those. As much as I love running and always enjoyed that time for me, now I hated losing that time away from Abel.
Spoiler alert – I’ve been running about three times a week and am training to pace a half marathon next month. To help ease the guilt, I’ve discovered I need to plan ahead more, often it means getting up super-early and running before my guys are up. But I can do it and I should do it.
This makes me wonder now, every time I see someone out running – maybe that person doesn’t have it so carefree and easy. Maybe he or she is working hard to make it work.
How do you make working out a priority? Do you rise extra early, squeeze in a workout over lunch, or pass up happy hour to hit the other bar? Comment or tweet me @LindsayIRL. Or, share your workouts on Twitter or Instagram and use the hasthtag #wellirl.