“One small positive in the morning can change your whole day.”
Nice weather. Early sunlight. Beautiful scenery. Summer is perhaps the best time to get in the habit of morning workouts.
I say that with positivity yet the need to bring a dose of reality. As many of us can probably agree, this is easier said than done. Dragging one’s ass out of a comfy bed early in the morning, no matter what’s waiting for us on the other side, can be tough. And no matter which of these popular summer workouts you choose.
However, the advantages and benefits of the morning workout, particularly the morning run, are big. One of the strategies I use to psych up myself for an early run is to remind myself of those advantages.
So, for me and for anyone else needing inspiration, here’s my ode to the early morning run – 10 reasons why to run in the morning. If you need more reasons to run, check out this older post with some running motivation.
You greet me with beautiful sunrises
You give me the chance to wake up without having to immediately shower and get ready
You’re often the coolest, calmest, best weather of the day
You bring me peace and calm I can’t get with traffic, noise, and other runners out later in the day
You are the time when my son is still asleep and doesn’t need me for anything
You are the time when my son is still asleep so I don’t miss out on anything
You give me an excuse to stretch, breathe, and have mindful time early in the day
You leave me more time to prioritize the rest of the day
You make me feel so good when I’m done
You – quite literally – put me in the best position to have the best day
Happy running and don’t forget how to stay safe while running!
Are you one for early morning running or workouts – but who also needs a little kick in the ass to get them done? Any other tips for making the morning workout happen? The comments are all yours so please share your thoughts.
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