“I’ve decided my 2018 will start Feb 1…January is a free trial month”
If you’re like me, you’ve seen that quote show up on Facebook several times the past few weeks. It got me thinking about New Year’s Resolutions and other blank slate goals that always come with the beginning of the year.
I’ve never been shy about my dislike of New Year’s Resolutions. When it comes to health and fitness ones specifically, my anti-NYR status is even stronger, for several reasons, one of them being January is a terrible time to launch a healthy eating and exercise plan.
Overall, I also don’t like the concept because it puts so much pressure on January. Few people last more than two to three weeks on their resolutions and January ends up being looked at as a failure month. The quote above puts a little bit of a humor spin on it but it’s basically the same message – January sucks, we suck, it all sucks. May as well give up and get back to my reality.
However, what I do like about the quote above is it’s honest message. Yep, January doesn’t always work out to be the month people hope for when they make a NYR. But why does that have to mean giving up entirely? February sounds like a perfectly good month to pick back up on those healthy habits.
If you struggled to stick with your goals in January, take some time – and an honest look – to figure out why. Then, make a plan to get back on track. February will be here soon sounds like a great opportunity to be ready to own it with a new outlook and fresh plan of attack.
Those of you who made Resolutions, will you be starting your New Year in February? Or has January gone well? Comment or tweet me, @LindsayIRL. Share your goals for the year on Twitter and Instagram with hashtag #wellirl.