“Rise and shine.”

Everyone has the time when they’re at their best or do their best work, whether that’s housework, work work or workouts. Typically, we’re either an early bird or a night owl, with some variations of both mixed in.

But the morning and the night can do more than be our time to do our best “things.” They can be the time we set ourselves up to be our best “selves.”

Ugh, I cringed when I wrote that. I find the trendy concepts of “be your best self,” or “living my best life,” equally annoying and basically just a social media must. But, in this case, it supports what I’m going to discuss.

We had a wellness lunch and learn last week at work. The topic was all about routines and, as a creature of habit, lover of schedules, and one who thrives on routines, I was all ears.

The speaker talked about establishing morning and evening routines. People were invited to share examples of their own routines to help inspire those looking to create or improve theirs.


Every day can’t be a vacation – but you can have a good start to every day.

It makes sense that morning and evening present ideal times to establish good habits and routines. The bulk of our days are typically filled but early morning and late in the evening usually give some flexibility for making them ours.

I’m more of a morning person and I have a pretty great morning routine already. Part of this has come with getting older and better managing my time. I wake up early to work out, get myself ready, and enjoy breakfast, which includes deep breathing and mindfulness work – all before my son or husband wake up. On rest days or those that I have the luxury of an evening workout, the routine is the same, I just get to sleep a little longer.

Either way, I love it. I enjoy that quiet time to myself, when no one is up but me. While some days it’s hard to get up so early, it’s worth it and I always appreciate it.

One thing that struck me about everyone who shared a story, and all the examples the speaker shared of famous successful people – they all get up early, too. And that’s the time they dedicate to important habits for themselves.

It makes sense. Even for the most well-planned, Type A person, it’s easy for plans to change and the day to get away. That 5:30 workout might have to be bumped due to a work deadline, child emergency, or numerous other reasons. But if it’s the first activity of the day, before most of the world is awake, there’s nothing to get in the way.

On another note, the first part of the day quite literally sets the tone for the day. There’s even a saying associated with bad days: Waking up on the wrong side of the bed. Waking up being the key there, implying a bad day begins the moment the day actually begins.

Getting up early to add valuable things to a morning routine or simply make it less hectic and rushed is so worth it. For those who aren’t morning people, even getting up just 10 minutes earlier – the smallest effort can make the biggest impact.

Do you get up early? What’s your morning routine – or what are you striving for in a morning routine? In either case, please share your thoughts in the comments. Or, as always, tweet me @LindsayIRL.


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