“Give me one reason why.”

It was a perfect June day, not too hot, not too windy, and plenty of sunshine. Lugging about 20 extra pounds, going at a pace a full minute slower than what I’d consider normal for me, I ran my first virtual 10k race – tho technically it was just another run, as there was no true race I had signed up for.

Here we are, halfway through 2020 and it has been a tough year for runners, particularly runners to who love to run events. Pretty much every major event has been postponed, outright canceled, or canceled with just a virtual option.

I know, I know – running is not canceled. While the simple act of still be able to run “should” be enough for us runners, it is a bummer not having those fun, exciting, nerve-racking race days to look forward to, break up the monotony of regular routes, and inspire us to run our best.


A good reason to keep running.

Why Running Events Are The Best
I admit, I haven’t been nearly as excited about virtual races. I really miss everything about races, from picking up my packet at the expo to the simple act of stepping up to the start line on race day, surrounded by dozens or thousands of fellow runners.

But on this recent, early summer day, at 27 weeks pregnant, the simple act of running a 10k was enough for me. I wasn’t feeling the lack of atmosphere, friendly competition, and spectators (who doesn’t love great race day signs?).

I’ve found a reason that, even without races, the simple act of running is still enough for me at this point.

Finding a Reason to Run
That’s the thing with running while pregnant. It’s like running with a slight injury, running while not feeling well, or just running in 2020 in general: it’s not the same as what we’re used to. In my case, I’m slower, get fatigued easier, and have aches and pains I normally don’t. But at the end of a run, I always feel great and it makes me grateful that I am still able to run, traditional racing or not.

In my last pregnancy running blog before my first arrived, I remembered a few more reasons why I love to run. Any of these strike a chord with you?

It’s a new month, halfway through the year, and races don’t look like they’re going back to normal anytime soon – so how are you keeping your fire lit? Have you found a reason to keep running, even without races serving as the usual motivation to run? The comments are all yours so please share your thoughts.

Connect with me @lindsayinreallife on Instagram or @LindsayIRL on Twitter. Subscribe to Wellness in Real Life so you get every new blog post straight to your inbox.


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