“Train with purpose”

After a long wait, it’s finally here again – the Winter Olympics. I love the Olympics. Unlike most, I enjoy watching the Winter games equally as much as I enjoy the Summer edition. Downhill skiing, figure skating, hockey, and my personal favorite, snowboarding. It’s all so great.

I’ve wrote a few Olympics-themed blogs in the past, none that top the lists of favorites as much as when I interviewed Carrie Tollefson two years ago prior to the Summer Olympics. If you haven’t read that one yet, enjoy it now – Carrie’s awesome, funny, and keeps it real.

As a non-professional athlete, there’s something about the Olympics that usually puts me in a great mood to up my workouts. During the Summer games, running events make me want to focus on my form and speed, swimming events get me jacked to jump in the pool and do laps, while the gymnasts remind me how much I love lifting and being strong.

Not quite an Olympic team but a different dream team

This year, watching the Winter games, it’s not quite the same. I’m feeling in about as un-Olympic shape as possible. With just about six weeks to go until my due date (yay!), I’m very…large. Good large, of course. And the good news is I’m still fairly comfortable and working out regularly. Just last week I was even able to participate in a team cycling event for charity, and did pretty well.

Overall, I’ve had to adjust the intensity and types of workouts, and I’m definitely working out for different reasons now. Still kind of training – just for a new purpose.

One more note about the Olympics; my large-ness has resulted in many of my lounging tees being too snug for comfort so I’ve resorted to wearing my husband’s. As I’m sitting here watching the biathlon, I realized I’m wearing his Mike Eruzione Team USA tee – looks like I’m riding the Olympic feeling all over the place.

Do the Olympics inspire the athlete in you to come out harder? What’s your favorite event to watch or the one that gets you pumped the most? Post a comment or tweet me @LindsayIRL. Share your Olympic-worthy workouts on Instagram or Twitter with the hasthtag #wellirl.


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