Welcome to another round of #wednesdaywisdom. This is wellness, health, and fitness advice in a quick, easy-to-digest format, designed to give you maximum energy and inspiration.

Wellness fact – being outside with a bestie is great medicine.
Think of it as zucchini noodles with veggies and tomato sauce…only with words.
1. Gluten-Free – It’s Not a Diet, It’s How Some People Don’t Die
Summer is diet season so let’s all remember that eating gluten-free isn’t a diet to be adopted, willy-nilly. A gluten-free diet is important for people who are, you know, allergic or intolerant to gluten. Also, what is gluten? For real, most people don’t know so I’ll tell you.
2. Four Easy Things to do for Better Wellness
Here’s how to improve personal wellness in four simple, easy to implement ways.
3. Why We Run
Everyone runs for different reasons. If you’re struggling with motivation, here are five great reasons to run.
Do you have questions or topics I can address with a #wednesdaywisdom blog or in a new, full blog? The comments are all yours to ask questions, share ideas, or, you know, just leave a comment – so do it, please! Or, connect with me on @lindsayinreallife on Instagram or @LindsayIRL on Twitter.