“When things can’t go back to normal, create a new normal”
March has arrived. It’s my favorite month and always has been. It’s the best time to go snowboarding. The weather is still chilly but nice enough to run or walk outside. The days are starting to get longer. And, of course, it’s the month of my favorite holiday: 311 day.
This year, March is extra-special because p-nut (aka Baby) is expected to make his or her arrival around the 28th. After months of, what I would call a pretty easy and uneventful pregnancy, I’m beyond excited to meet our little one. This excitement of course is mixed with nerves, fear of painful recovery, and the dreaded exhaustion – still, can’t wait for it all.

One of the reasons I love March – can’t wait to get back to snowboarding
One of the things I’m also excited to get back to is a normal fitness routine. Don’t worry, I know with a baby consuming most of my life, it will be a “new” normal. But still, normal in terms of non-pregnancy workouts.
Anyone who says you can work out all throughout pregnancy, right up to your due date, is right. I know mamas-to-be who have, myself included (technically I’m about three weeks til my due date but planning to keep going right up until it’s time to push). However, I will admit one thing: it’s hard. Especially in the early and late months, it’s really, sometimes REALLY hard. The fatigue, lack of energy, sometimes downright sick feelings take their toll.
And then there’s the bump itself. Last week I shared that the hardest part of my workouts these days is putting on my shoes and I was serious; like 95% of days that’s the biggest challenging separating me from a sweat sesh and just saying screw it, putting on sweats, and curling up on the couch with Burton and a bowl of mini wheats. But aside from getting in the way of certain exercises, making it harder to pick up and put down weights, and of course, the shoe situation, bringing the bump and extra weight along on every workout definitely takes its toll. I just can’t do the same things I’ve been able to before.
So one of the reasons I’m looking forward to postpartum exercise is the chance to, hopefully, start to feel like myself in the gym and outside again. And don’t even get me started on how pumped I am to start doing all my favorite activities again, snowboarding (next year) and running (ASAP). After having to stop running after week 32, I can’t wait to get outside, even just for a half mile run then to walk. And best of all, I’ll get to continue bringing p-nut along for those workouts. Hopefully the stroller is a little easier than in my belly?
Workout moms, any advice for getting back into fitness after a baby? How about dads, how did you have to adjust your routine after the new little one in your life? Comment below or tweet me @LindsayIRL.